Monday, March 3, 2008

First posting

In my first assignment, my partner Amalina and i need to choose one task to find the article that refer to the task choosen.So, at last, we choose to find about the problem solving article.The topic of the article is how to make a man fall in love with you.This article can help the readers to find the correct way especially for the women to tackle the men to be their partner.When the women read this article, they may start thinking heavyly to make the men fall in love with them.Here, are several critical moves that women can make in oder to get men fall in love with them :

i) Give him a fresh taste of your best - By taking this action, you can make a favourable impresson on a romantic level by showing your sexy or feminine qualities, caring or kind, sweetie and real sides of your personality.

ii) Become mega-attractive - You have to improve your overall appearance from the side of your healthy and fitness.Ensure that your hair, skin, teeth, and nails are appealing.Also, asking for professional help in the area of style and dress.These actions can develop your self-confident and raise your self-esteem by raising the self-esteem of others.

iii) Get good at small talk - You need to practice yourself to become a master conversationalist by having something good to say and with the appropriate emotion.Besides, have to focus more on listening and give him your full attention to help him to get into his flow.

All of the moves above are working effectively to get a man fall in love with the women.But, if you want more tips and information, you can visit the website below to have details about this problem solving.Enjoy yourself...!!!