salam evryone here...
juz a brief post dat i wanna jot down here 4 my own awareness n mybe 4 others fren too..
after im hving a vry short consultation wif my spervisor tday, i feel a bit release but not as release as im expect to..
overall, i cud say dat i can continue wif wht im doing now 4 my research..but then there's a lot of editing process dat i need to cover back..n also lots of add on info dat i've 2 put in my project...i need 2 work on it within 2 weeks frm now then i've 2 submit back 2 my spervisor (Dr.Radha Nambiar).
okeh, nex thing dat mke me suck here is abt my feeling as well as my motivation part in my innerself...i cud feel dat im getting down n not gud at all in performing myself 2 d outside world especially during my class lost...not bcouz i cudn't undrstand wht hve been teach in class n lecture but basically i dun no whre i hve 2 put myself in dat situation...fuhh...soo difficult....
but den, d thing dat mke me heppy is when i cn shoot my pixes on my own...juz 4 release tension n appreciate myself 4 tday..dats all...=)
ntah ape2 la pembebelan yg berlaku pd entry kali ini...bercmpur aduk skali kan.??
done 4 tday...dats wht i feel n nthing can chnage it...
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