pic pembuka bicara, pengikat kasih antara blogger2 smua..ewah ewah..
Tarikh: 26.04.2010
Venue: Equatorial Hotel, Bangi (5 star gituuu)
Dinner bertemakan "GRADUATION DAY"
syg dearie frens and all the readers at my blog..pg ni sy dgn
brsemangat skali menaip ketak ketuk ketak ketuk kat kkunci keyboard ni
smata-mata utk mnyiapkan entry ni..seawal jam 7am taw bgun ni nk bt
entry special..ehehehe..special mecial gituuuu..okey lets
26.04.2010, maka terciptalah satu event yg sgt2 d nantikan oleh smua
para elsians ukm iaitu glam night dinner diaorg brsama lecturers
trsayang..mlm ni mlm yg sgt2 mmberi erti buat smua pelajar sbbnyee mlm
ni la mlm pengikat kasih antara kwn2 smua and jg pensyarah2..smua prg
mlm ni mmg sporrttiiinggggg hbessss laaa..especially all lecturers yg
hadir pd mlm trsebut...diaorg nyanyi mmg penuh dgn brsemangat
semata-mata utk bt performance kat students2 diaorg..u rock..yeah
yeah..!!! terharu sgt2 bl tgk diaorg smpai sngup nyanyi mcmtu sklai kat
students..mmg xkan dpt lihat kat mn2 performance terunggul ni dri
diaorg..yelaakan ..kalau kat department, msing2 akn serius and bncang
psal akademik..tp mlm tu smua dh transform...tukar hbs smua jdi
informal...mcm ni la yg kita nk kan..hilang segala bagai tension yg
tersumbat dlm pikiran inieee...ehehe...SAYANG SEMUA LECTURERS LEBIH LA MACAMNI..meh kiss ckit meh..mmmuuuaaahhhhhhh...nk tgk x pic diaorg sing mlm tu..jom2 kita terjah..sshhhhshshh...
tgk smua lecturers kami ni..mmg hot and sporting habis mlm tu...best taw diorg nyanyi...=)
tgk smua lecturers kami ni..mmg hot and sporting habis mlm tu...best taw diorg nyanyi...=)
we move on to d next gossip at dat night..cewaahhh..mcm ayt nk bt
presentation lak ni..*akn ku rndui saat2 manis berpresentation dlm
class dgn teman2 smua..uwaaaa..sdih lgi*..dh nama glam night tu, korang
agk2 sndiri la kan..msti smua akn bergaya sakan, bersolek bagai and
berposing maut smua dgn kamera...haaaa...klu korang nk tahu..mmg mlm tu
smua jadik len..len mksudnya d cni bkn pelik ke ape ke or jdi hantu
ke..bkn bkn..jd len tu, mksudnya smua org dh x nmpk mcm rupa students
dh..msing2 mcm dh kawin pn ad, dh pegang jwatan besar pn ad, yg mcm
dato' datin ad, mcm princess n prince ad, bak kata pak cik tua astro
tu..'macam2 adaaaa'..ahahahha...
ni smua princess2 of d night kay...smua cun habesss..mne xnye lesturer x kenal kan..ehehehe
smua lecturers pn dh x kenal ank2 buah dia dh...yela, mn penah diorg
tgk kitorg ni duk solek2, pkai lawa2 ap smua...klu kat class smua dgn
simple dress n basic mke up je..tu yg trkejut sakan tu bl dpt tgk ank2
buah diorg dlm keadaan yg agk2 dh xsdar dri dgn gaya n style
msing2...ahahahha...ape2 pon korang smua mmg gojesss, hot, adorable
sgt2 mlm tu..smua cantik2 and handsome2...bila lgi la kan dpt tatap
muka masing2 pasni..dgr ketawa msing2...hmmmmmm...doakan kta d temukan
lgi pd ms akn dtg nti...syg sgt korang smua....:(
dari kiri: mona, tini, aien,mai and me..syg korang ketat2 taw...
dari kanan: jamal, revu, me and liza...ghinddduuuu korang pasni...;(
dari kiri: amal, thulasi, revathy, puvidya and waheeda..non stop loving and missing you all girls...mmuuaahhh! ni my geng at UKM..kitorg buat assignment and group presentation together...mmg great dpt kerjasama dgn kalian smua...I LOVE YOU
dari kanan: jamal, revu, me and liza...ghinddduuuu korang pasni...;(
dari kiri: amal, thulasi, revathy, puvidya and waheeda..non stop loving and missing you all girls...mmuuaahhh! ni my geng at UKM..kitorg buat assignment and group presentation together...mmg great dpt kerjasama dgn kalian smua...I LOVE YOU
bc ni baik2...mlm tu kan ade aktiviti best taw...ni anjuran miss liza n
mr fariq...pd mlm tu smua ELSIANS akn d beri nomination awards..ape
tuuueee..? haaaaa...nomination awards ni ala yg ad org bg anugerah d
princess of d night, d prince of d night tu..ingt x..bese mlm2 dinner
mcm ni ade la anugerah2 seperti itu...so kitorg smua pn dpt taw
anugerah tu..nk tahu x sy dpt award utk kategori ap..? cepat2
teka..isshhhh..msti salah nti jwapan ni..meh2 nk umumkan ckit award utk
miss waheeda pd mlm trsbut...jeng jeng
jeng....trriiiiinngggggggg..*bnyi drum ni*
dan pemenang bagi kategori
jatuh kepada.................
inilah kad nomination utk my award..bc elok2 taw ap yg d tulis kat kad tu...ahahaha..gataiii...! tahniah utk diri sendiri...caiyookkk...
okey, ni my best fren..miss amalina..she got ELSIAN THE MOST HOTTEST pd mlm tu...woooowww..vogue darling..!
inilah kad nomination utk my award..bc elok2 taw ap yg d tulis kat kad tu...ahahaha..gataiii...! tahniah utk diri sendiri...caiyookkk...
okey, ni my best fren..miss amalina..she got ELSIAN THE MOST HOTTEST pd mlm tu...woooowww..vogue darling..!
this is sya..or korang blh pngil dia datin sya...masin mulut ni taw...she got ELSIAN BEST IDEAL FIGURE..really suit you dear..u deserve it..muahhh..!
yeayaayyyayy..sy ltak 2 org ni je k sbb klu nk ltk smua al kisahnya muntah la korang nk terjah blog ni n baca blog ni..kpd kwn2 yg lain, TAHNIAH utk korang smua..!..dpt
award ni mmg rs best sgt2...utk diri sy plak pasni rs mcm nk putar belit lgi scarf &
shawl bia kasi gempak lgi n dpt menang award lgi..eheheheh..thanks guys
cuz vote for me....i'll remember dis foreva...muaahhh
31 org elsians mlm tu dpt award msing2 taw...tahniah utk korang smua
kay skali lgi...and u deserve it..smua mmg ssuai dgn apa yg korang
dpt...cayalaaaaa korang...=)
ni xde ke cite pasal mkn2..of course la ade sayang..ehehehhe...menu mlm
tu mmg sgt2 superbbb..smpai sy n kwn2 smua x hbs nk mkn dan smpai blh
lak terpkir syg nk mkn sbb terlalu sedap..ahahahahah..sy suggest klu nk
buat ap2 function, bt la kay at EQ hotel ni..layanan mmg high class n
makanan pun puas hati..dgn hrga yg sgt2 berpatutan..nk tahu hrga,
contact sy..ahahaha..smpat lgi tu bt promosi kjap kt cni...jom kita
layan menu2 mlm trsbut...
ni senarai menu kay..klik utk tatapan yg lbh segar d mata anda..eheehhe *bz body je fon maroon tu..tu sy pnya, bkn hotel bg cenderamata ke ap ye...*hihihihi
ni senarai menu kay..klik utk tatapan yg lbh segar d mata anda..eheehhe *bz body je fon maroon tu..tu sy pnya, bkn hotel bg cenderamata ke ap ye...*hihihihi
confirm klau korang mkn menu ats tu mmg meleleh la saliva korang..ahahah..ape nie ckp2 mcm ni dpan makanan..x baek taw..aucchhhh..!..superb la apple pie ni..nyam nyam nyam
ni lak cup cake and cnderahati drp GENG KOYAL (thanks a lot girls sudi bt ni utk smua elsians..)..unik nama geng ni taw..sy n d geng je xde bg nama..marvellous cup cake ni..shingga mnjilat 10jari anda..thumbs up..!
dis is purple goody bag yg smua org dpt utk door gift pd mlm trsebut..class gituuuu...!!!
okeeyyy..im almost done here...sejam bt entry ni utk korang smua..fuhhh semangat kobar2 dh ni...wlpun hari ni hari last d ukm, tp ttp bersemangat..life must go on ryte...so, b strong and smile in every single things dat u do afta dis...sy stop d cni dlu kay...mau kemas2 brg lak pasni...sape2 ad x nk tolong sy packing...manyak brg2 ni nk angkut wt balik...oh no.......sblm tu, hayati puisi d bawah ni specially dedicated for all elsians and beloved lecturers at our department...I LOVE YOU ALL SO DAMN MUCH...trmkasih yg x terhingga krn mendidik kami smua slama 3 thn..akn kami kenang jasa2 pensyarah smua smpai akhir hayat ini...doakan kami berjaya dunia & akhirat...amin....(-_-)
I feel the time is getting close,
When we will have to part.
Ill show that I'll miss you,
With last words from my heart.
We must be dreaming,
For it has gone to fast.
The time we have spent together,
Will soon be in our past.
I'll forget this day is coming,
Today I stand here.
Trying to tell you,
How much I really care.
We'll go our seperate ways,
And I'll make it if I try.
Just hold on to our memories,
Say Never, Say Goodbye!!!
We shared...
laughs of joy,
moments of pain,
tears of happiness!
We earned...
as well as a place,
in the heart of one another!
We talked...
about our dreams,
about being best friends for life,
just about everything imaginable!
When in trouble...
you helped with all your strength,
strength from your love,
love from your warm heart!
When asked why...
you simply smiled,
you questioned back" What are friends for?"
We walked right beside each other
as we felt a friendly breeze,
one that I shall never forget!
No matter where you'll be,
you'll always be in my heart,
just promise me that I'll be in yours!
You are an angel,
who walked into my life!
I would hate to say goodbye
because it seems too soon
But then again we never will
since a part of us
are always with each other
pic kenang kenangan buat smua yg hadirkan diri pd mlm itewww...korang smua gojessss...! thanks 4 ur co-operation guys...=)
ni lak cup cake and cnderahati drp GENG KOYAL (thanks a lot girls sudi bt ni utk smua elsians..)..unik nama geng ni taw..sy n d geng je xde bg nama..marvellous cup cake ni..shingga mnjilat 10jari anda..thumbs up..!
dis is purple goody bag yg smua org dpt utk door gift pd mlm trsebut..class gituuuu...!!!
okeeyyy..im almost done here...sejam bt entry ni utk korang smua..fuhhh semangat kobar2 dh ni...wlpun hari ni hari last d ukm, tp ttp bersemangat..life must go on ryte...so, b strong and smile in every single things dat u do afta dis...sy stop d cni dlu kay...mau kemas2 brg lak pasni...sape2 ad x nk tolong sy packing...manyak brg2 ni nk angkut wt balik...oh no.......sblm tu, hayati puisi d bawah ni specially dedicated for all elsians and beloved lecturers at our department...I LOVE YOU ALL SO DAMN MUCH...trmkasih yg x terhingga krn mendidik kami smua slama 3 thn..akn kami kenang jasa2 pensyarah smua smpai akhir hayat ini...doakan kami berjaya dunia & akhirat...amin....(-_-)
I feel the time is getting close,
When we will have to part.
Ill show that I'll miss you,
With last words from my heart.
We must be dreaming,
For it has gone to fast.
The time we have spent together,
Will soon be in our past.
I'll forget this day is coming,
Today I stand here.
Trying to tell you,
How much I really care.
We'll go our seperate ways,
And I'll make it if I try.
Just hold on to our memories,
Say Never, Say Goodbye!!!
( Lincy G. Panicker )
We shared...
laughs of joy,
moments of pain,
tears of happiness!
We earned...
as well as a place,
in the heart of one another!
We talked...
about our dreams,
about being best friends for life,
just about everything imaginable!
When in trouble...
you helped with all your strength,
strength from your love,
love from your warm heart!
When asked why...
you simply smiled,
you questioned back" What are friends for?"
We walked right beside each other
as we felt a friendly breeze,
one that I shall never forget!
No matter where you'll be,
you'll always be in my heart,
just promise me that I'll be in yours!
You are an angel,
who walked into my life!
I would hate to say goodbye
because it seems too soon
But then again we never will
since a part of us
are always with each other
pic kenang kenangan buat smua yg hadirkan diri pd mlm itewww...korang smua gojessss...! thanks 4 ur co-operation guys...=)
salam khatam dari penulis blog ini...sape nk sunting flower girl ini bgtaw kay...ahaaahah

gmbr ni nmpk mmg penat cmpur sdih, gmbira, knyang suam2 kuku n nganntooookk..tdo dlu...ZzzzZ
gmbr ni nmpk mmg penat cmpur sdih, gmbira, knyang suam2 kuku n nganntooookk..tdo dlu...ZzzzZ
pesanan penaja: nntikan entry yg pasal nk learn english tu kay..klu sempat mlm ni, klu x akn d bgtaw lg bila..yg penting...keep update slalooo..! muahhhh...! syg semua...